Procession Tips

Just a quick tip on something I noticed at last week's wedding. It's something that happens at ever ceremony if left unchecked. At your rehearsal remind your wedding party to slow down their pace during the procession. Nerves will sometimes send people into hyper speed, especially kids.

A slow pace allows your guests (and your photographer) to take in those fancy clothes you are wearing. This will also ensure there are no mishaps with the runner. Those things are dangerous!! :)

The Wedding Rehearsal

I always try to make it to the rehearsal of the ceremony if possible.  I do this for a variety of reasons.


  • I get to take test shots of the venue.  Not only do I get to test out my exposures, but I test out different composition and angles as well.
  • I get to give "the speech" to the wedding party.  Beyond introducing myself, I get to give tips on how to stand, placement of hands and flowers, etc. that will help make them all look good in the photographs.  I also get to tell everyone to SLOW DOWN when walking down the aisle.  :)  Sometimes the jitters of the day have folks running a marathon.  I like to get several shots off of the procession just in case we catch some odd expressions in one.  I can then have an alternate to choose from.
  • This is a perfect opportunity for me to chat up the Pastor and find out his or her rules.
  • Sometimes major changes get made at this time.  This ensures I'm in the loop.

It is perfectly understandable if you would not like me to be there.  However, consider letting me drop in and take a few shots.  One cool idea is to place some rehearsal images in their own little section of the wedding album.  



I like to come to the wedding rehearsals for my clients if possible.  This lets me see exactly how things are going to happen during the ceremony so I can be ready for the shot.  Sometimes these rehearsals can be so informal that it is difficult to tell whether something out of the ordinary is going to occur or if a longstanding tradition is going to be enacted.  

If you have something unique planned for your ceremony or if your faith requests certain symbolism be enacted, be sure to let me know.  More than likely I will be able to capture whatever it is on the fly, but it always helps to know in advance.  Last year I had a couple bring their kids up to drop 3 stones into an awaiting holder.  They told me it was going to happen and I even got a chance to whisper in the kids ear to "go slow" so I could get several different versions of this moment.

Also, if the person marrying you has certain guidelines that they need the photographer to follow (no flash, no close up photography, areas that are off limits, etc.), this is something to communicate as well.  As part of my preparation as your wedding photographer, I will be asking these questions but in case we miss something, it's never too late to speak up.  

It never hurts to be overly prepared!!