Worldwide Photo Walk

You are invited to join me for a free event on July 24th called the Worldwide Photo Walk. Essentially, people from all over the world will be getting together for a two hour walk where we will take pictures of the area and then eat dinner, socialize, share images and learn about photography.

From New York to Los Angeles to China and Germany to our walk in Crown Point, IN, folks will take pictures and then upload to Flickr (optional) to be entered to win a prize. I will be the Photo Walk Leader and will be deciding the winner for our walk. Although you can win something, this event is more about having fun, learning and having pizza afterwards!!

Oh, this is an event for EVERYONE of all skill levels - from point and shoots, camera phones to DSLR's. In other words, you do NOT have to be a professional. I'm not sure of the prize just yet, but the people sponsoring this event are very generous so I'm sure it will be good.

Follow this link to see the details and to sign up for the walk. I promise you a great time.

