Rebecca and Jack's Beach Wedding Pt. 3

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I've been referring to Rebecca and Jack's "beach wedding", but where has the actual beach been?  Well, today it is finally here.  After the ceremony, we immediately began family shots at the lagoon behind the Marquette Park Pavilion.  After parents and grandparents were all done, we then took the wedding party and the happy couple onto the sands of Lake Michigan where the temperature really began to drop.  This was october and we were actually very lucky to be able to walk out there at all.

Let's start with some of the lagoon shots...

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Below is the Maid of Honor Rose, sister of the bride....

Our first shot at the beach was this semi-silhouette of Jack and Rebecca having a moment...

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We had a faint haze in the air that day, but were still able to see the city of Chicago in the background of some of our shots.

Below is the image Rebecca and Jack chose for the cover of their wedding album...

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For the guys, I had them pile up in Jack's vintage car that was parked in front of the Marquette Park Pavilion.

The fake getaway of the bride and groom...

The day provided us with some dramatic skies and I especially like this one of our bride on the steps of the pavilion.

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I want to finish up this post with one of my favorite images from the beach, this candid shot of Jack trying to keep his bride warm as they made their way toward the beach.  If you are thinking of an outdoor wedding, definitely keep Marquette Park Pavilion in mind.  I really enjoyed the fact that Rebecca and jack decided to have everything in this one location - Getting Ready, Ceremony, Formals and as we will see in the next posting - Reception too.