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Photo Booths at the Wedding Reception


Every once in awhile I notice another vendor at a wedding that really stands out.  I usually get really busy with editing of the images and meeting new clients that sometimes I forget to point out these exceptional businesses.  I plan a few more of these spotlight posts, but today I will concentrate on a fun reception phenomenon that has really taken off this year - the Photo Booth.  Hey everything that is old is new again, right?!!
I have seen many of these in 2011 and I believe the best of the bunch is Memories in Minutes.  I like to take a peak at the images that come out of these machines both for the shock value (it's a private booth & supposed to be silly) and the print quality.  Now, none of these machines are going to produce images with great lighting that you can hang as a wall portrait.  That is not their purpose.  However, you do want to have photos that are at least on par with a small point and shoot.  Many times I see very low quality images getting spit out, but the Memories in Minutes folks had a higher quality.  They also are extremely friendly and are greeting and helping your guests in and out of the booth.  Visit their website for details as I'm only going off of memory here, but I have seen them filling a nice looking album with the images.  It appeared to me that it get's delivered to the bride and groom at the end of the night.  Very cool.
I imagine this could be one of those things that may be taken lightly, but as usual, quality does matter.  I can attest that they are professional and will do a good job for you on your reception night.  Oh, as bride and groom, don't forget to stop into the booth yourselves.  Have fun!!