Region Weddings

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80% Marketing, 20% Shooting

As I was preparing to launch my photography business, I kept reading how it was going to have to be 80% marketing and 20% shooting to be successful.  I certainly took that advice, especially at the beginning when jobs were scarce.  In 2010 it has really paid off.  It's been my busiest year yet and I'm loving that.

The flip side of this is that the last few months have turned that ratio in the opposite direction.  Hence the minuscule number of blog posts of late.  I'd much rather do the gig than market for the next one, but I know it's part of the job and I can't relent if I want 2011 to be a break out year.

The purpose of this posting is to ask for your help.  If you cannot participate, I certainly understand.  A lot of you have already helped so much.  Thank you for that.  

Here are a three things that you can do to take a bit of the weight off me during this busy time....

  • If you are a recent client and have been satisfied, call or email someone and let them know.  Post it on Facebook, blog about it, send a link to this site or
  • Save one of my promo images below and post to your Facebook wall or forward in an email with a note.  Three Wedding promos and two High School Senior promos are ready to be posted.  Don't forget, if a client books a wedding with me, you will get a $50 cash referral.

Click on an image to make large.  Then right click to save to your computer.



  • For the more ambitious among you, I'm looking for an occasional guest blogger for the Wedding Journal.  Perhaps you are getting married soon or have just been married or are going on your 20 year anniversary.  Maybe you have never been married, but have attended numerous events.  Either way, your perspective would be appreciated here.  Fill out the contact form if you are interested.  Tell me what you would like to write about and I'll make arrangements to get your thoughts here on the website.  Perhaps you are part of the wedding industry (photographer, vendor, etc.) and can share your ideas here.


Thank you for your help.  Thank you for reading.  Thank you for your support.

All the best,
