Region Weddings

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Baseball Bride


* Image above courtesy of ASP Inc. *

The baseball season is under way and wedding season is about to begin as well.  If you are a fan, why not incorporate your sports fanaticism into your wedding photos.  This is just another example for my "think different" week.

My clients Megan and Austin will be trekking up to Wrigley Field with me this June to take their engagement shots.  Their wedding is next October.  Perhaps their beloved Chicago Cubs will be in the World Series at this time and they will want to celebrate with some baseball related fun wedding photography shots.  Those would look great in their wedding album next to the engagement images at Cubs park.

I'm not saying to bring grandma and grandpa out to the local sporting facility for formal family shots, but for a few fun couple's images, I say go for it.  For engagement shots as well, think of a passion that the two of you share and let's try something with it.  Even if it's ice cream at Dairy Queen.  That could end up being your favorite photograph.  You never know until you try.